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Is it time to address menopause in your workplace?

This training program equips workplace managers and supervisors with the knowledge, confidence and tools to support female employees through the menopausal transition, should women wish this, in order to help women maintain their health and remain successful in their roles.

  • Do you think it’s time to address menopause in your workplace, but you aren’t sure how to protect women’s privacy, and avoid feeding gendered ageism, in the process?

  • Are you interested to learn more about this significant life passage, the benefits it offers and how workplaces can support the transition?

  • Do you already know that becoming menopause-friendly will strengthen your gender equality and inclusion ethos, and you just want to get started?

What a wonderful training program this has been, informative, timeframe friendly with our busy schedules and engaging. I am now more confident to start awareness in my workplace to better support my team.

This has been a great course that's led to discussion on Menopause at work, which is now filtering through to a number of teams already. Thank you for the excellent resources and the course, it was very well structured. I really achieved my goals to start the conversation and help staff.

A very valuable training program. I now have the awareness and strategies to confidently start a conversation with my team. The training provided sufficient time to reflect and process information, in particular the short concise lessons provided easy to digest information and made it easier to complete modules at my own pace and kept the training engaging.

About the Training

Endorsed Dr Kelly Teagle, GP specialising in menopause and Founder of Wellfemme 

Who is this training suitable for?

  • All genders

  • Workplace managers and supervisors

  • HR professionals

  • WH&S representatives

  • People in charge of leadership development for women in the workplace, gender equity or diversity and inclusion, people and culture.

What you'll gain:

  • Understand what menopause is

    Understand what menopause is, the range of ways it affects women and the reasonable workplace adjustments that can be made to support women.

  • Gain Confidence

    Feel more confident and skilled in having a comfortable and constructive workplace conversation that will support women’s effectiveness at work and personal wellbeing.

  • Be clear about the responsibilities

    Be clear about the responsibilities of the workplace, of managers and of employees.

  • Be more alert

    Be more alert to cultural stereotypes that have stigmatized this natural stage in the life cycle.

You’ll discover that a menopause friendly workplace is actually good for everyone as some of the top issues that menopausal working women struggle with, such as fatigue, mental health symptoms or insomnia, will also affect a significant proportion of your workforce.

This training fits well within existing frameworks for promoting mental health in the workplace as well as diversity and inclusion and female leadership development programs.

Here is what you get:

  • Professional Resources

    Each of the 8 modules entail a short video ( 5 – 10 min max), downloadable pdf fact sheet, quizzes to reinforce learnings and a takeaway exercise to translate learning into action.

  • Live webinars

    A meet 'n' greet introductory meeting then 2 x live webinars for questions, trouble shooting and to share group wisdom.

  • Unlimited support

    Unlimited support from Thea during the program via phone or email.

  • Peer support

    A private online forum will allow you to meet other workplace practitioners and tap into their experience.

  • Feedback and Follow up

    Personalised feedback on your assignment if you choose. 

  • 6 months access to all program materials

    After completion of the program, you will be able to access the materials for another 6 months. 

In addition, you will takeaway these resources for ongoing use:

  • Self-care for Working Women E-Book

    Our E-Book on Self-care for Working Women, outlines practical ways women can support themselves and their work effectiveness. This booklet can be used by managers to provide ideas, and also offered to individual employees as well.

  • Suite of open source templates

    An excellent suite of open source templates for the workplace, developed by Monash University. These includes topics such as : Gauging if your workplace is menopause friendly, ideas for reasonable adjustments and a conversation tool for managers and employees.

  • A curated library of personal stories

    Personal stories from women working through menopause, so you better understand the lived experience.

Why is menopause a workplace issue?

  • Demographic

    Women aged 45 years and over comprise 17% of the Australian workforce.  Also, the participation rate of women aged 55-64 is steadily growing.

  • Social Responsibility

    Breaking the workplace silence on this natural life stage that all women experience, is a humane thing to do.

  • Legal

    Becoming menopause-friendly helps ensure that your organisation fulfil it's obligations to provide a safe, healthy and discrimination-free workplace.

  • Business

    Creating a culture where women feel comfortable to ask for support, and where managers are equipped with the skills and tools to respond, reduces stress, improves health and women's ability to work well. 

Study Options


Face to Face

OPTION 2 Blended Learning



Live Q&A with facilitator & participants circle-check-solid

Half day workshop for  15 – 20 people.


3 x 1 hr sessions

Personalised review of assignment circle-check-solid


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Certificate of completion circle-check-solid

On completion of assignment post workshop. Claim CPD points.


With 6 hrs CPD points

Access to full course content

Training Manual (8 modules), 12 videos, transcripts, action learning exercises, interviews, quizzes, curated selection of tools & resources

circle-check-solid circle-check-solid circle-check-solid
Access to private discussion forum circle-check-solid circle-check-solid circle-check-solid
Access to future updates circle-check-solid circle-check-solid circle-check-solid
Access to course Pick a date that suits your organisation Join next public program or schedule an in-house session. Any time
Registration and Payment Request A Quote Request A Quote Get in touch for details

Meanwhile, here are some resources to help you learn more about menopause, and people's lived experience in the workplace.

They are FREE. Just click on the download button below each resource.

Mature aged man and womn at work shutterstock_369430667

Learn more about menopause

Here are some of my top picks of quality information.

Older & younger woman at work

Reducing Stigma

Tips for reducing stigma associated with menopause and starting workplace conversations.

Woman looking at calender, Shutterstock-web

Lived Experiences

Working Women’s Voices. A report summarising themes emerging from 1-1 interviews with Australian women transitioning through menopause at work.

About Thea O'Connor

Why do I care about the issue?

I am 55, mother of a 13 year old, and am transitioning through menopause myself.  You can read here, how I first became interested in women's experience of transitioning through menopause in the workplace. 

I offer this training as a someone whose ‘thing’ is to work at the edges of mainstream thinking to bring about social change for the sake of our wellbeing.

  • As a former Director of Body Image and Health Inc, I worked to help reshape our cultural body ideals, for the sake of women’s physical and mental health.
  • As a Naptivist, I work to normalise the powernap in our non-stop culture for the sake of our personal sustainability.
  • As a workplace wellbeing advisor, I focus on re-humanising our work ethic so that it’s built around human biological rhythms rather than around machines, so more workers feel valued.

During the training I will be working alongside you to help make talking about menopause at work as normal as talking about maternity leave, or any other health condition.  I'm really looking forward to sharing what I have learnt from the UK, where great work is being done in this space, and to tapping into the expertise that will exist within the participants of the pilot as well.

I have 12 years previous experience as a dietitian (specialising in body image, eating behaviour and weight management) , another 15 years’ experience in workplace wellbeing, plus training in both Health Coaching (Health Change Australia) and in Organisational and Executive Coaching (Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership).

N.B. I am not an expert in the medical aspects of menopause and I expect you will consult your doctor as needed.

Training Quote

Are you looking for training customised to your organisation, complete the form below and we'll be in contact with you discuss your training needs.

  • Where will the training take place?
  • How many participants are you looking to train?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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