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Wellbeing & Productivity Specialist

I help organisations, teams and individuals improve their workplace effectiveness and quality of life through body intelligence and better health

How can I help you?

Explore how we can help you through one of the options below

Keynote Speaking

Inspire your audiences with fresh perspectives on how to help your body and mind adapt and thrive in the digital age.

Click below to learn more on my dedicated Keynote Speaking website:

Health & Productivity Coaching

Individual and group coaching calls you to account, while offering the expert guidance that can turn your healthy intentions into reality. A great longer term investment in sustainable change, personally and professionally.

Contact me for an obligation free chat to see if coaching is for you.

Workplace Wellbeing Programs

Build the wellbeing capability of your leaders, teams and front line staff with these programs. I can also co-create a wellbeing strategy with you to meet the needs of your organisation.

  • Training for managers in "Workplace Wellbeing" conversations
  • Workplace Exhaustion Recovery Program
  • Wellbeing Starter Culture Program
  • Menopause and Menstrual Wellbeing

Make an enquiry here

Seated, long couch best copy
Wellbeing & Productivity Specialist

Meet Thea O'Connor

Over the last 25 years my work has spanned nutrition, body image, workplace health and sleep science, in the forms of 1-1 consultations, prevention and early intervention initiatives in schools and workplaces, conference presentations and writing for national media outlets.

At the heart of all my work is the vision of creating body-honouring cultures at work, at school and at home, so we can all flourish.

What clients say about working with me

"10 out of 10! I am now more in control of my time, therefore my level of stress and frustration is reduced. Talking to an expert who can ask pertinent questions to help you delve deeper into what is driving you, has been really valuable."

Coaching Client

Director of Planning & Development, QLD local council

"Thea is fantastic. So knowledgeable, engaging and practical. I hope from attending people realize the importance of self-care – I do. This is one of the best workshops I have done.”

Healthy Workplace Client

North Coast TAFE, In-house Leadership Development Program attendee.

"I really thought you were one of the most vibrant and captivating speakers I’ve ever seen. Great work!"

Speaking Client

Network Central,  Business Women’s Breakfast attendee, Sydney

Programs, Resources & Support

Take the Body Intelligence Quiz

Take this BQ Quiz to help you assess how smart you are when it comes to your relationship with your body.

5 health practices that will improve your productivity today

Download my 5 health practices ebook today and kickstart your personal sustainability journey today.

Download My Ebook Here

The Orca Effect - program for women

The Orca Effect is a 7 week confidential program that helps professional working women navigate menopause so they can maintain their confidence and wellbeing and emerge from the menopause transition, embracing their authority.

Health Bites Blog

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