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Over the last 20 years my work has spanned nutrition, body image, workplace health and sleep science, in the forms of 1-1 consultations, prevention and early intervention initiatives in schools and workplaces, conference presentations and writing for national media outlets.

In all of these arenas I consider myself a long-standing Advocate of the Body in an increasingly disembodied culture that drives us to:

  • over-ride our natural rhythms, then over-rely on artificial stimulation to get us through the day.
  • over-write our natural physical diversity with photo-shopping or cosmetic surgery, then aspire to cruel body ideals that leave us feeling less-than.

At the heart of all my work is the vision of creating body-honouring cultures at work, at school and at home, so we can all flourish.

No matter how evolved or sophisticated we become, and no matter how much technology penetrates our lives, the body remains the fundamental foundation of our lives and when it suffers, physically or psychologically, every aspect of our life is affected.

In the workplace I specialise in Personal Sustainability offering unique principles and practices for renewing energy and focusing attention during a typical, hyper-connected working day. In schools my team works with young people to help them respect their natural weight, shape and appearance.

I enjoy working with individuals and with groups.

One-to-one, I educate people about the physiology of their body’s ‘internal operating systems’ so they can work in tune with them, then offer coaching to help people create better lifestyle and/or work habits for the sake of their wellbeing and vitality.

With groups, I facilitate the naming and re-shaping of group norms - whether that’s within friendship groups or workplace teams – to make healthy, self-respecting choices, easier choices.

You might like to check out these body-friendly initiatives I have founded:


NapNow: Work Smarter, Live Brighter – a social change initiative aimed at putting some life-giving rhythm back into our lives by normalizing the powernap in our culture.


Inner Cosmetics a program designed to refresh and reshape young women’s self image – without having to change their bodies or spend a cent.

What drives me to make a difference

“I thrive on encouraging people to develop the inner attitudes, daily practices, and group norms that will allow them to live and work with zest. And it all starts with the body – the non-negotiable foundation of our lives.

The human body is AMAZING and I have a deep respect for it’s intelligence and honesty.”

The Formal Stuff

  • Bachelor of Science, University of Adelaide. Majoring in biochemistry and genetics.  Awarded the Ronald Fisher Prize for first place in Genetics 3.
  • Post-graduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, Flinders University, South Australia.


  • Organisational Coaching Level 2.  Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership.


  • Certificate IV TAE - Training and Assessment.


  • Certificate in Health Coaching, Health Change Australia


  • Fellow of the Australian School for Social Entrepreneurs.


As an auto-didact, I relish lifelong learning. I especially appreciate the opportunity freelance writing gives me, to interview national and international experts on the latest health and business trends and research.


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