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Here I focus on translating the science into practical strategies that can enhance your health, wellbeing and workplace effectiveness.  So dive on in and enjoy by clicking the images below.

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Body Intelligence – how smart are you really?

Copyright Thea O’ConnorWith benefits to health and workplace performance, body intelligence is a must-have for a successful career.  I meet a lot of smart people through my work, including lawyers, teachers, accountants, journalists and academics.When I talk to them, through interviews, in seminars or as a health coach, I can tell they have a high…

Are you a victim of completion bias?

Ticking off your to-do list feels really good, but the drive to finish a task can undermine your wellbeing and your productivity. © Thea O’Connor You’ve been working on a task most of the morning, and are nearly finished – but not quite.  Lunch time arrives, and despite feeling tired and hungry, you tell yourself…

Supporting Managers’ Wellbeing

As a manager, do you ever feel like you are sitting right in the midpoint of an egg timer?   You have pressure bearing down on you from your senior leaders, and you feel the demands from your team below?  This pressure from above and below can put one big squeeze on your wellbeing.  Gallup surveys show…

Could a simple ‘no’ be the answer to women’s health?

National statistics tell us that the top four killers of women in Australia are dementia, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (which includes stroke) and lung cancer.   Ask working women what they are concerned about, however, and there is little talk of heart attacks or stroke.  Instead, it is the day to day battle with exhaustion…

4 Personal Sustainability Principles

If you are feeling really tired right now, you are not alone. I’m currently talking to people in workplaces who are saying that many of their staff are starting the year un-refreshed. They put this down to all demands that COVID-19 created last year: not just the extra workload but the anxiety as well that…

3 ways to build trust in your body

It’s all very well to tell people to listen to their bodies (I’m discovering), when for many of us, trust in the body has been broken, and we therefore fear it will lead us astray. Are you scared to take an afternoon nap, because you think you will never get up again? Do you  think that…

Three reasons we resist rest

When you woke up this morning, how did you feel? Refreshed or tired? If you felt tired, was it because you were sick or overloaded at work? Or is there a deeper driver of your tiredness – living in a rest resistant culture? Recently I found myself staring at an advertisement inside a shopping centre that took…

The Science Behind: ‘Listen to your body’

Interoception has a greater impact on everyday functioning than many of us realise. When you are working under pressure – which let’s face it, is most days –  listening to your body might be the last thing on your mind.  You may, however, want to bump it up your priority list given the latest  research…

Scrub your hands – yes – but don’t forget self-care

You’ve probably worked out by now that the coronavirus isn’t going away next week – it’s predicted to take months to play out and it’ll be 18 months before a vaccine is available. Putting in place some medium term strategies to help strengthen our body’s defences, therefore makes good sense.  That’s where self-care comes in…

After the fire … a compassionate workplace response

At some point those who have survived natural disasters, such as the fires currently ravaging eastern Australia,  begin to return to their former jobs. When every other aspect of life is chaotic, returning to work can provide a sense of order, normality and familiarity.  But it’s rarely an easy transition. “People suffering from significant loss…
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