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Navigating Brain Fog at Work

Do you ever have times when your brain feels hazy and it’s a real struggle to think clearly? Or even remember what you are meant to be working on? You might experience brain fog due to high levels of stress, sleep loss, grieving or the hormonal changes that occur during menopause and pregnancy. While brain…

No one is following switch-off guidelines

Australia’s Sleep Health Foundation recommends that we switch off all screens one to two hours before bed.  That’s to stop the stimulation provided by our devices, including the blue light emitted from screens that suppresses melatonin, from interfering with the most critical health behaviour of all: sleep. No-one I know actually does this.  My own…

Cravings – should I listen to them?

Body intelligence involves the ability to notice the messages from our body, listen to them then respond in a way that supports the body to work well. In many situations, it’s pretty clear what a body-intelligent response involves: Eat when hungry, rest when tired, move when stagnant and pause when you feel pain. However, there…

Use self-awareness to break a habit

Do you ever tell yourself that you could cut down on your coffee, cigarettes or drinking tomorrow if you really wanted to.  They’re only habits after all.  But try to nudge them out of your life and you might find that even the most innocent of habits is more deeply rooted than you think. Behind…

Improve your Nap-ability

A nap as brief as 10 minutes can improve your mood and productivity, alleviate tiredness, increase alertness and reduce errors made at work.  In other words it’s one of the best productivity boosters around. Simple, effective, effortless  and brief –napping seems like the easy answer to daytime tiredness.  But it’s not so easy for some.  If…

My 3 favourite recipes

  Some green recipes and something naturally sweet – all yummy and quick to make.   Pea and Basil Soup This one takes no more than 10 minutes to make and gives you a delicious dose of greens.  You can vary the vegetables (by using broccoli or baby spinach), according to taste. Ingredients 1kg frozen…

How to stop and take a break

Whether aiming to excel at work or simply survive, breaks are essential. Famous historical high-achievers, such as Brahams, Napolean and Churchill all demonstrated that the secret to work success isn’t just about whether you can go long and hard, but whether you can also let up.  They all had a habit of taking an afternoon…

10 ways to listen to your body

Listening to your body is one of the most powerful and fundamental skills of Body Intelligence.  It helps you live each day in balance, while also preventing the development of longer health problems.  But what does it really mean?  And how can you start listening  to your body well before it starts yelling and screaming…

Completing the cycle of your day

When I encourage people to create a work ethic that is more in tune with the design of their bodies, I present a diagram that shows how our biological rhythms change over a 24-hour period. It shows how precious the morning can be, for it’s in the morning that our mental alertness and our capacity…

Nap Zone at the Happiness Conference

Featuring the Nap Zone at the Happiness Conference
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