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This podcast was produced by ABC Radio National as part of the This Working Life program

Whether you are male or female, if you work with a woman over 40, menopause matters to you. And if you are a woman over 40 understanding what’s happening to your mind and body during “the change” is absolutely crucial.

Many women, including those at the top of the game, are leaving careers they love because of poor management around menopause.

We dive deep into a topic that is steeped in silence, suffering and stigma to start this important conversation.

Thea O’Connor, wellbeing and productivity advisor

Mel Kettle, communication strategist and blogger

Melissa MacGowan, leadership coach

Sydney Colussi, researcher University of Sydney

Mary Crooks AOexecutive director of Victorian Women’s Trust

Janelle Delaney, ANZ Women@IBM chair

Victorian Women’s Trust menstrual and menopause policy template

Mel’s blog Just as Juicy

Producer: Maria Tickle

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