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Body Intelligence – how smart are you really?

Copyright Thea O’Connor With benefits to health and workplace performance, body intelligence is a must-have for a successful career.   I meet a lot of smart people through my work, including lawyers, teachers, accountants, journalists and academics. When I talk to them, through interviews, in seminars or as a health coach, I can tell they…

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Are you a victim of completion bias?

Ticking off your to-do list feels really good, but the drive to finish a task can undermine your wellbeing and your productivity. © Thea O’Connor You’ve been working on a task most of the morning, and are nearly finished – but not quite.  Lunch time arrives, and despite feeling tired and hungry, you tell yourself…

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Cognition During Menopause

At the age of 52 I started to experience changes to the way my brain worked, especially in relation to word finding, short term memory and focus. It was very unsettling and at times, alarming. I didn’t realise that these changes were common during the menopause transition and could be considered normal.  I had no…

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Supporting Managers’ Wellbeing

As a manager, do you ever feel like you are sitting right in the midpoint of an egg timer?   You have pressure bearing down on you from your senior leaders, and you feel the demands from your team below?  This pressure from above and below can put one big squeeze on your wellbeing.  Gallup surveys show…

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Accommodating Women’s Cycles at Work

While women’s monthly cycle is key to the survival of the human species, it’s anexperience that is often shrouded by silence and shame. We can do better andworkplaces can help lead the way. Copyright Thea O’Connor Over the last few years year, the words ‘menopause’ and ‘menstruation’ have started to beuttered in workplaces – often…

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The Business Case for becoming menopause friendly and what leaders can do

This Podcast was released as part of the Parents & Carers Network This series brings a spotlight to leading employers, policy makers and industry experts working to improve the lives of parents and carers by creating family friendly workplaces. Emma Walsh – founder of world leading provider of education and coaching services for workplaces Parents…

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Stop the silent career killer, managing menopause at work

This podcast was produced by ABC Radio National as part of the This Working Life program Whether you are male or female, if you work with a woman over 40, menopause matters to you. And if you are a woman over 40 understanding what’s happening to your mind and body during “the change” is absolutely…

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Can music enhance your performance at work?

Pay attention to the effects of volume, pitch and tempo and you have enough rudimentary data to start dabbling in audio architecture – selecting the music you like to ease a hard days work.Interview on ABC Regional Radio

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