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Helping women achieve their full career potential

Increase the engagement and retention of some of your most experienced people by making your organisation menopause-friendly.

About 50 percent of women say the symptoms of menopause make work more challenging. That shouldn’t mean that women have to press pause on their careers or suffer in silence. Awareness, education and small workplace supports can make the world of difference in navigating this natural and temporary lifestage.

Supporting people through life's transitions is a smart business move:

17% of midlife women take an extended break from work due to menopause. Don’t let talent walk out your door due to denial of this natural life stage.

Menopausal symptoms typically occur around the age when women can be stepping up into more senior roles. Small workplace adjustments can help a woman fulfil her career potential. 

The menopause transition is a time of increased vulnerability for experiencing mental health conditions.  Being forewarned is forearmed.

Menopause has been missing from D&I and WH&S agendas, despite the fact it affects half of humanity.

Menopause is unique to the female biology, and requires  different accommodations than a male body. Different treatment, not the same treatment, brings true equality.

Allowing women to work with dignity is a humane thing to do.

How can we help you?

Not sure where to start?

Book a mentoring session with me.

Want to take an integrated strategic approach?

Learn more about the strategy workshops I run.

Build your managers' & leaders' wellbeing capability

Learn more about the Menopause@Work Manager Training program and leadership development opportunities.

Educate and Support Your Staff

Webinars, Workshops, Programs & Coaching.

Resources, Templates & Articles

Check out this range of free and tailored resources for your organisation.

Professional Network

Join other organisations putting menopause on their agenda.   Sign up here for notification of free quarterly events.

Thea O'Connor TEDxCanberra Talk

Watch my TEDxCanberra Talk called "What killer whales can teach us about menopause".


Engage Thea as a keynote speaker at your next event

Learn how we have already made a difference

Watch this video below about our ground breaking collaboration with Queensland Teachers Union, the first workplace in Australia to take a comprehensive organisation approach to becoming menopause-friendly. 

Would you like to promote menstrual wellbeing at work as well?

menopause@work is here to help, get in touch here to discuss options.

Meanwhile, here are some resources to help you learn more about menopause, and people's lived experience in the workplace.

They are FREE. Just click on the download button below each resource.

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Learn more about menopause

Here are some of my top picks of quality information.

Older & younger woman at work

Reducing Stigma

Tips for reducing stigma associated with menopause and starting workplace conversations.

Woman looking at calender, Shutterstock-web

Lived Experiences

Working Women’s Voices. A report summarising themes emerging from 1-1 interviews with Australian women transitioning through menopause at work.

What people say about our work

The manager training Thea runs is thorough and practical. It provides literacy, understanding and confidence to approach this topic in your organisation. I highly recommend Thea’s development product and her consultancy expertise

Kim Lion

Head of Culture & Leadership, IPG MediaBrands Australia

The manager training has been a great course as it has led to discussion on Menopause at work, which is now filtering through to a number of teams already. Thank you for the excellent resources and the course.  I really achieved my goals to start the conversation and help staff.


Head Delivery Implementation & Performance, TAFE NSW.

The Change program (now called The Orca Effect) was immensely helpful in supporting me in my menopause journey and helped me to reposition my perception of myself and the world around me which still resonates today.

Kerry O'Connor

High school teacher & union activist.

Thea led the group in a non- judgemental and emphatic way.  As well as a lot of insight, The Change program (now called The Orca Effect) has given me strength and acceptance and I’m looking at my future through a much kinder and positive lens.

Project Development Manager

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