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At the same time that a woman might be peaking in her career, she will also be experiencing the menopause transition which occurs on average between the ages of 45 and 55.

Leadership Development

Menopause Masterclass

Menopause ushers women into an empowering new life stage, characterised by eldership and authority  -qualities that are well suited to leadership.  However, the journey can be rocky - not only due to the physical symptoms, but also due to our personal beliefs, societal attitudes and workplace cultures. 

This Masterclass invites women to examine and refresh their own mindset and also offers practical strategies to support women's wellbeing and career progression.  Fits well into leadership development programs. 

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Briefing for Leaders

Menopause-Savvy Leaders

This briefing for leaders places menopause in the context of current workplace trends and explores:

  • leaders' legal and social responsibility regarding women's health,
  • the business benefits of becoming menopause-friendly,
  • perceived risks and how to manage them,
  • what leaders can do to create an inclusive culture that supports women through a significant health transition.
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