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Workplace wellbeing initiatives that take a strategic approach and are linked to business goals, have the highest chance of success.

Facilitated Strategy Sessions

A facilitated strategy session with workplace wellbeing advisor Thea O’Connor, helps you get the right people around the same table to create an integrated menopause strategy, making the most of the staff benefits you already have in place. It creates the impetus to get key players on board who can then do some quality thinking together.

The details of the strategy session agenda are co-created to meet your needs, but is designed to help you think through:

  • the difference you really want to make and why,
  • how best to achieve that,
  • opportunities for integration into existing strategies and policies to avoid duplication,
  • how you will demonstrate impact.

At the end of the workshop the group will have agreed on key elements of a workplace menopause strategy and defined its next steps. Time well spent!

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