Whats in your Cart?
Through coaching with Thea, you will gain the tools, confidence and skills you need to take action and persevere with healthier practices until they become part of your work-style and your life-style.
Over 20 years in health promotion - as a workplace wellbeing consultant, dietitian, body image specialist, trainer for beyondblue regarding mental health issues in the workplace, a QUIT smoking facilitator and founder of NapNow, which advocates for a new work ethic that incorporates daily rhythms of renewal, including sufficient, quality sleep.
Bachelor of Science (Adelaide University), post-graduate degree in Nutrition (Flinders University), Certificate in Health Coaching, Cert IV in workplace training and assessment.
Up to date:
As a freelance writer, including for the Sydney Morning Herald, Law Society Journal and In The Black magazine, Thea keeps her finger on the pulse of current business trends and latest health issues through interviewing global experts.
Thea bases her client-centred approach on the methodology of Health Change Australia, which draws together the best available evidence about what helps people make lasting behaviour change.
Enthused about every aspect of her work, and loves connecting with a diverse range of people
Workplace Wellbeing & Productivity Coaching
Perfect for investing in a healthy workplace
Investing in a healthy work-style now is a smart investment in your career, relationships and life satisfaction.
Health and productivity are two sides of the same coin.
When you start organizing your day according to your body clock, and not simply the office clock, you’ll be surprised at how much more effective and healthy you feel at the end of the day.
Wouldn't you like to Boost Performance, Improve Health & Prevent Burnout?
- Would you like to have more energy and better focus, at work and at home?
- Do you need to reduce your stress levels without reducing your ability to get stuff done?
- Do you simply aspire to perform at the highest level possible?
Read more about what health coaching involves here.
“Value delivered, 10 out of 10!
I am now more in control of my time, therefore my level of stress and frustration is reduced. Talking to an expert who can ask pertinent questions to help you delve deeper into what is driving you, and why you react the way you do, has been really valuable.”
Director of Planning & Development, QLD local council.
Personal Health & Wellbeing Coaching
Want to turn your health resolutions into reality?
Engage Thea as your health and wellbeing coach
- Ready to eat better, get fit, improve sleep, drink less alcohol or quit smoking, and want some support?
- Are you on a health kick now, but lack confidence it’s going to last?
- Do you who know what you ‘should’ be doing for better health, but just don’t seem to be able to make the change?
If yes, then Health Coaching could be for you.
Health coaching gives you the motivation, confidence and skills to commit to taking action and persevere with healthy changes until they become part of your everyday life.
“I have done coaching before but this is the first time I have actually enjoyed the process and felt that I could make progress because Thea actually made a big effort to delve deeply into finding out what I really needed and wanted in a very skill full and authentic way."
Jude Baderley, small business owner & coaching client
Happy Coaching Clients
I thrive on encouraging people to develop the inner attitudes, daily practices, and group norms that will allow them to live and work with zest.
Value delivered? 10/10.Working through to identify issues that I saw as important was a the key. The engineer in me also liked the constructive and practical actions that were developed and were achievable, as well as being provided with a range of tools that I could choose from."
Director Infrastructure Services, Queensland council.
I sought Thea’s Coaching after finding myself consumed by intense emotional stress at work, which left me feeling flat and unmotivated. The combination of self analysis, tasks and support from Thea was fantastic for me and after 6 weeks of Health Coaching I have a much clearer state of mind and feel better equipped to leave stress at work."
Susie Deason, Victoria.
"Fantastic! The questioning was great – it really put it back on me so I had to take responsibility, which then gives me the power. It was so good to let go of perfectionism and demystify habits and know it takes time to change them. I now feel happier and supported to move ahead.
Victoria Marcellis, pilates instructor, Melbourne.