Whats in your Cart?
Staff wellbeing is critical to organisational success
One of the silver linings of COVID-19 has been to bring staff health and wellbeing from the fringe of workplace concerns, into central focus.
This has occurred within the context of an existing concern for rising rates of mental health conditions, more focus on organisations’ social responsibility and increased pressure on workplaces to fulfil their legal obligation to protect the health and safety of their people.
Workplace wellbeing is no longer a ‘nice to’, but a ‘need to.’
Thea’s training and education programs help develop the wellbeing capability of your leaders, managers and staff.
- Wellbeing Conversations: Manager Training
- Workplace Exhaustion Recovery Program
- Wellbeing Starter-Culture program
- Menopause & Menstrual Wellbeing.
Current Wellbeing Programs
Wellbeing Conversations@Work: Manager Training
Within a manager-employee relationship, wellbeing conversations can play an important role in supporting an employees’ health and wellbeing, productivity and quality of life. This training program for managers develops managers' wellbeing capability, by increasing their competence and confidence in having proactive one-to-one wellbeing conversations with team members, rather than wait until problems emerge.
2.5 hours for groups of up to 20 (Live or online)

Workplace Exhaustion Recovery Program
Workplace exhaustion is now amongst the top three people-related risks facing Australian organisations today. This situation has been made worse by the pandemic but is part of a long-term trend of growing workplace fatigue. The WER program, which supports top leaders as well as teams, helps your organisation reduce the risk of burnout by addressing work-related factors as well as individual behaviours.

Wellbeing Starter-Culture Program
Would you like to embed wellbeing into your organisation, from top leadership to the operational front-line? In other words create a culture of wellbeing?
This 3-tiered program shows leaders, managers and staff how they can integrate wellbeing into BAU, in a way that’s commensurate with their roles and responsibilities.

Tailored Programs
Thea will sit down with you to clarify the outcomes you’d like to achieve for your people, then can advise you on the best approach forward. This could involve strategic advice, or creating a tailored workplace wellbeing program for your workplace.

Happy Clients
I thrive on encouraging people to develop the inner attitudes, daily practices, and group norms that will allow them to live and work with zest.
"Amazing! Very practical and informative. Great mix of reminders and check-ins as well as good scientific stats and peer reviewed research to back it up. It’s refreshing to realise I’m not alone and that there are simple changes I can make to improve things over time."
Participant, Women in Leadership Development Program, Sydney.
"Thea is fantastic. So knowledgeable, engaging and practical. I hope from attending people realize the importance of self-care – I do. This is one of the best workshops I have done.”
Participants, In-house Leadership Development Program, North Coast TAFE.
" Practical. Awakening. Encouraging."
Lawyer, Law Society NSW.