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Breaking the silence on menopause
Interview on ABC Radio National, Life Matters
Read MoreInterview on ABC Radio National, Life Matters
Read MoreInterview on ABC Radio National, This Working Life.
Read MorePay attention to the effects of volume, pitch and tempo and you have enough rudimentary data to start dabbling in audio architecture – selecting the music you like to ease a hard days work.Interview on ABC Regional Radio
Read MoreDoes your open plan office drive you crazy because you can’t get any sound privacy to do your work? As office walls are coming down, auditory walls are going up in the form of headphones. What’s the best way to use them? Interview on ABC Radio National, Life Matters
Read MoreWhen waiting for a workplace restructure to take place, and you aren’t sure what is going to happen to your job, health tends to take a hit. What can you do to take care of yourself while riding out this period of uncertainty?
Read MoreIt wastes hours a day and can leave you with a reaction time that’s worse than someone who’s drunk, yet it’s widely accepted, even applauded as a marker of a modern-day ‘efficient’ worker. We’re talking about multi-tasking, that trademark work-style of the information technology age. Interview on ABC Regional Radio.
Read MoreInterview on ABC Radio National, Life Matters
Read MoreWhat you need to know to implement napping in the workplace – how to get started and make it an acceptable practice. Interview with Business Essentials.
Read MoreAn interview with Life Matters based on Thea’s presentation at the Happiness and its Causes Conference, June, 2017: Are we headed for another GFC – A Great Fatigue Crisis?
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